Division One – European Leaders – Breggers


Biography of Antonia and Victor Bregger

Antonia and Victor Bregger are Divisional leaders of Healing Rooms South-West Europe and National Directors of Healing Rooms Switzerland IAHR.

Antonia is a Lawyer and Victor is an economist. For many years they were working in governmental and business world . Since 2005 they were part of the team of a healing School in Switzerland. After having dealt with inner healing issues themselves they were helping others to receive emotional healings in the context of the Healing School. In 2010 they met Cal and Michelle Pierce in the US and learnt from the founder and leader of the worldwide movement of Healing Rooms from Spokane more about physical healings. They could invite them to come to Thun to the annual Healing Days of the school of Healing. In preparing that conference of the summer of the year 2011 they received a call to step in this ministry. Already in February they decided to reduce their professional engagement in favor of the ministry of healing rooms IAHR. In August 2011 they opened up their first Healing Room with a team of 30 members in Thun and since they trained over 200 people in serving in Healing Rooms. 2014 there are operating 12 Healing Rooms IAHR in Switzerland.

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